Archive for April, 2010

Some videos!

Sunday, April 25th, 2010

Jun is practicing using chopsticks!

Jun walking with a stick!


Jun is saying
“Hi, everyone! How are you?
Please come see me!”
I’ll try to get one in English sometime soon!

Jun even practices going up and down the stairs! Isn’t it amazing?

Not much but some update

Monday, April 5th, 2010





Just a quick update…it has been 3 weeks since he moved in current hospital. During first 2 weeks, he had got the shots to stimulate his brain activities (I believe…) while his new therapists were trying to figure out what to do for his rehabilitation. He started regular training last week. We can’t see the effects of the shots clearly, but it seems like he talks much more than before. He sometimes comes home for lunch/supper and enjoys mom’s meal. He regains his weight (unfortunately a little too much…he needs to work out!)

I personally started to work full-time from April (I was working part-time since the accident) which keeps me super super busy. I can visit Jun only once or twice a week now (I did 5 days a week until March!!) and I miss him so much, but I guess I should do whatever I need to do! I hope he wil lbe back home as soon as possible!