Welcome home!
Monday, May 3rd, 2010みなさま、ゴールデンウィークどのようにお過ごしでしょうか?お仕事の方々はお疲れ様です!準のリハビリにはゴールデンウィークも関係なく、毎日しっかり頑張っています!
タイトルにWelcome homeとあるように、先日準の初外泊が叶いました!(退院?!と期待させてしまったら申し訳ありません・・・)今までは、家に帰って来てご飯を食べて病院に帰る・・・という外出はたまにしていたのですが、外泊はまだなかったんですね。それが、最近階段の昇降練習も頑張った甲斐もあって、2階の自室に行けると判断し思い切って外泊させてみました!
Hello! Thank you for your continuous thoughts and love!
As you may know, we are having a holiday week called Golden Week now in Japan. Parents and I got out of work, so we tried to let Jun stay over night at home for the first time ever since the accident! Before, it was quite challenging for him to go upstairs to reach his own room. Since he started practicing at stairs these days, therapists allowed us to give him a try! We helped him, of course, but he did go upstairs and got to his room!!! It was a pretty emotional moment for me. He said hi to his furniture and toys lol
It must be nice to sleep in his own bed and I believe he slept pretty well. We were really happy for him. We should do it a lot since now! (even though it is hard for us to do so when one of us has work)
We also visited his last hospital and saw his therapists there. They were happy to see his progress and I was happy to see them happy! It was nice to know that they are still thinking of him and it truely helps us to keep our heads up.
Jun got his hair cut, and enjoyed nice meals (as always) over his stay. We had such a fun holiday!!