Our goal!
Wednesday, January 13th, 2010更新がなかなか出来ずに申し訳ありません。いつも気にかけていただいてありがとうございます。
Thank you for your continuous thoughts and prayers!
It has been about a month since Jun moved to current hospital. We had a conference with his doctor the other day. She said his rehabilitation is going pretty well and Jun made a greater progress than she expected. It was good to hear that! Although we still have lots of concerns that we need to overcome, but we are pretty happy so far. We all set our goal together then; we want Jun to come home in the middle of March!! I believe Jun can make it happen. He is trying so hard on his training every single day which shouldn’t be easy for him. I am really proud of him!
Thank you again for your support. I can’t wait to tell you more good news soon!
Much love